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I run regular FREE inclusive in-person and online mindfulness workshops for the wonderful charity, The Stuart Low Trust in

Islington, North London


I also run mindfulness courses

for Age UK Enfield


I have made a series of videos for SLT as a resource for learning and practising mindfulness - please see the first video in this series on this page.


I have also made this series of videos of mindfulness in nature - please see one of these videos on this page.


Please check back or contact me for details of future mindfulness workshops.





"I really feel Kate is a natural empathic person and she really listens with her heart, not just her ears, and she has a non-judgemental approach which I really like" 

~Anon, course participant

"One learns through the heart, not the eyes or the intellect" 


~ Mark Twain

© 2020 Kate Connell Workshops

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